my impersonation of track & field interviews

Talking Head: That was a really exciting race! Did you expect to pull out front so early?

Runner: *pant pant* Um *pant* I muh puh haaa *pant pant*

TH: And how glad are you that you made it into the final?

R: *pant* Well, musperseeeehhhh geh PU-CHOW! *pant pant pant*

TH: Uh-huh. Now, of course, you know this is the Olympics. Are you surprised that you didn’t perform better?

R: *pant pant pant* Hehe. Uhhhmmm…(something that may or may not be “go fuck yourself.”)

TH: Alright! Thank you. And good luck!

R: Ugh.

2 Responses to “my impersonation of track & field interviews”

  1. NGS Says:

    Rock on! I loved when they interviewed Walter Dix after the 100 and they were like what did you think about Bolt. He said, “the dude can run.” Hee. Dix is funny in his post-run breathlessness.

  2. Kristabella Says:

    You forgot when they are all “hate all other competitors! Have big ego.”

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