greetings from east jesus nowhere

In stark contrast to my surroundings just two days ago, I’m writing to you from a lake in upstate PA. It’s family vacation time and I’m tapping this out on my iPhone because there’s no Internet. Therefore I have hives.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop up real quick to say that I will post about my BlogHer experience next week…when everyone has moved on and no longer cares. I think that when I find my “mommyblogging tribe” we shall call ourselves, “Those Late Betches.” Should look nice on a silk jacket.

8 Responses to “greetings from east jesus nowhere”

  1. ali Says:

    I can totally relate. I’m at my dad’s in Atlanta and cannot get on the internet. I’ve got hives too.

  2. kdiddy Says:

    @ali, after a week of squinting at my iPhone, I nearly went into shock when I got to see things all big on my laptop. ROUGHING IT.

  3. anita tedaldi Says:

    Love the new tribe…count me in 🙂

  4. kdiddy Says:

    @anita tedaldi, excellent. the initiation ritual only hurts for a few days. ;-p

  5. georgie Says:

    I will still so totally care about your BlogHer expierence…i cant get enough LOL…looking forward to hearing.reading.seeing it all

  6. kdiddy Says:

    @georgie, cool! I’m hoping to gather my thoughts on Monday.

  7. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah Says:

    I need a large. In royal blue.

  8. kdiddy Says:

    @Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah, I am making a note of that.

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