that’s a bummer, man

So, it’s been *checks watch* two weeks since I posted here last. I knew that I was going to make time to do so today and thought about a few different approaches: pick up with a goofy story like I haven’t been silent for days, explain some of the messy contents of my life.

I don’t know.

I guess I feel the need to do some explaining. I haven’t been writing here because I’ve been too bummed out. And that’s all I can really say. I’m so fucking sad all the time these days and it’s really boring. The constant monologue running through my head puts me to sleep and I can’t imagine subjecting anyone else to it.

And that’s all that I have the energy for right now.

6 Responses to “that’s a bummer, man”

  1. megan Says:

    Sending *HUGS* from my ‘burg (Fredericksburg, VA) to yours.

  2. ozma Says:

    That is a total bummer man. If you think it would help to write, then write and I will read.

  3. Rob Says:

    Hang in there! We’ll be waiting.

  4. Sara Says:

    I read it all. xo
    .-= Sara´s last blog ..Toilet training the cat. =-.

  5. danish Says:

    I’m really hoping things get better for you. I’ve been thinking of you since your last post.

  6. Michaela Says:

    Seconding everyone above. If it helps to write – keep going. If not – we’ll still be here. Even complete strangers/lurkers like me.

    I don’t quite pray, but you and your family have been in my thoughts. Hope things brighten up soon.

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