the dumbest thing you’ll read today…at least until rick santorum gives an interview

I’m wearing my glasses today, which sucks for several reasons. Primarily, those reasons are that they’re from a prescription strength or two ago and I am going to the gym later to ride the stationary bike again. They will become foggy and uncomfortable.

But it also really sucks because I’m wearing my glasses because I don’t know where my contact lenses are. Last night, before bed, I took my lenses out, put them into the case, fiddled with one that got folded and stuck, closed the case, put my glasses on and went to bed. Just like every night.

This morning, I realized that my contact case was not on the sink. Figuring the kitten probably swiped it off of the counter in the middle of the night, I started looking around on the floor for it. I found the case underneath the bathtub. But when I opened it up, there were no lenses inside.

This is the second time that this has happened in the past two months. It’s extremely annoying, but also kind of disturbing, because what the hell is happening to my contacts? The case is screwed tightly, so it’s not like the kitten manages to knock it around enough to spill the contents. My only guess is that I’m sleepwalking and going through some kind of self-sabotaging process of dumping my contacts down the sink, filling the case up with fresh solution, possibly poking at my eyes to take out lenses that aren’t there, closing the case, and going back to bed.

It’s so dumb. I can’t even.

4 Responses to “the dumbest thing you’ll read today…at least until rick santorum gives an interview”

  1. Sweetney Says:

    That is freaky-ass. Now I must know what’s going on with that. Keep us (well, me?) posted?

  2. bolt Says:

    I did that once – I definitely took them out and put them in the case and they weren’t there in the morning, but I’m willing to bed that alcohol was involved in my case. It was particularly irritating as I had just opened new contacts the day before. Not my best look…

    I also went to bed one night without taking out my contacts so when I woke up in the middle of the night I decided to take them out. I pulled and pulled and couldn’t get them out. I eventually looked in my contact case and saw that my lenses were already in there and I had been poking/pulling at my eyeskin – GROSS!

  3. mikebee Says:

    You wear your glasses to bed?

  4. bex Says:

    I’ve done that before. Thought I had my contacts in and totally probed at my eyeball. Hell I’ve fell asleep with my glasses on. I’ve gone as far as peel my contacts out, chucked them on the floor before bed, and than look for them in the case in the morning. I always wondered if it was our kitten who took them…

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