I was feeling lame. Stole this from
Piercings: Ears, nose (awaiting new stud), navel (on permanent hiatus)
Tattoos: right hip, left side of my lower back.
Hair Color: red, mostly
Length: chin length
First Grade Teacher's Name: Mrs. Barr, until she went on maternity leave. The sub's name was Mrs. Aker.
Last Word You Said: nap
Last Thing You Laughed At: the baby struggling not to fall asleep while he played with toys.
Last Time You Cried: hmm…well, I can't seem to remember so it's been at least a couple of days. That's good, I suppose.
Last Book You Read: The last one I finished was “Keeping Women and Children Last” by Ruth Sidel. I'm currently reading “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser.
Last Movie You Saw: 28 Days Later
Last Movie You Saw On the Big Screen: 28 Days Later
Last Show You Watched on T.V.: I fell asleep while the TV was on last night so I can't really remember. I think the boyfriend was watching VH1 Soul.
Last Song You Heard: The first track on Brian Eno's Music for Airports.
Last Thing You had to Drink: Caffeine Free Diet Coke (barf)
Last Thing You Ate: an apple
Last Time You Showered: this morning
Last Time You Smiled: about an hour ago while I watched the baby struggle with sleep.
Last Time You Laughed: Whoever wrote this survey needs an editor.
Last Person You Hugged: the baby
Last Person You Talked to Online: Meat
Last Person You Called: my mom
Last Person That Called You: a telemarketer
Last Person You Talked to On the Phone: Seriously, you really need an editor.
Last CD You Bought: I think it was Common's last album…I was disappointed.
Last CD You Listened To: Maxwell “Urban Hang Suite.”
Smoke: not anymore
Do Drugs: Nope. I can probably count the number of times that I've smoked pot, I dabbled in the e-pills but soon grew to hate them, and I've never cared to try anything else.
Drink: Every once in awhile, but I generally don't drink to get drunk anymore. I'm a born-again lightweight.
Sleep With Stuffed Animals: yes! Bun-bun and the boyfriend.
Have a Crush: yes
Have a Dream that Keeps Coming Back: I don't think so…at least, not enough to make me wonder about it.
Play an Instrument: Used to play the flute but I sucked at it.
Read the Newspaper: Yes, although not so much on a daily basis. I at least glance at it everyday but sometimes I just don't get the chance to sit down and read it.
Have Gay and Lesbian Friends: Yes, but I've fallen out of touch with the ones that I was really close to. 🙁
Believe in Miracles: Not Loaves and Fishes or anything really religious. I'm amazed by something every day. If you want to call it a miracle, go ahead.
Consider Yourself Tolerant: Tolerant of people different from me? Generally. I'm not too tolerant toward assholes.
Consider Police a Friend or Foe: I'm definitely wary of most police. Whether I would group them all as foes, I don't know.
Like the Taste of Alcohol: Some of it.
Believe in Magic: No, not really.
Pray: Not in the traditional sense…see, we're getting into a weird area. My religious arrangement is not really easy to explain. It's very casual. I talk to someone at times. Whether that someone is God or a god I don't really care to define.
Go to Church: No, although I do like the way old churches smell.
Have any Secrets: One or two but nothing diabolical. Just stuff I've never told anyone.
Have any Pets: No. Moment of silence please for Dog the Lizard, Murphy, Paddy and Kermit the Hermit…
Go to or Plan to Attend College: Graduated…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hate Yourself: Sometimes.
Wish on Stars: No
Like Your Handwriting: No, it's rather messy and doesn't really have any distinguishing characteristics.
Believe in Witches: Not folklore witches.
Believe in Ghosts: I get easily creeped but I don't think that neccessarily means that I believe in ghosts.
Believe in Santa: No
Believe in the Easter Bunny: No
Believe in the Tooth Fairy: No
Have a Second Family: I guess so. The boyfriend and his family are now technically related to me through the baby.
Trust Others Easily: Not really.
Sing in the Shower: Sometimes, but I get frustrated when I don't know all of the words.
Believe in Online Dating: I probably wouldn't ever use an online dating service or any dating service…not because I'm just that hot, because I just don't care that much. However, I've met my last two boyfriends and a number of close friends via the Internet so I guess you could say it's served me well.
Wish You Could Live Somewhere Else: Sometimes…Well, a different house? Yeah, I want to buy my own house. A different city? Sometimes, but then someone starts talking shit on Pittsburgh and I get all defensive and think, “I could live here forever.”
Think About Suicide: I have, several times, but not to any serious point.
Like Cleaning: I like a clean house…I don't like having to do the work to get it so.
Like Roller Coasters: Indeed.
Write in Cursive or Print: Print more often.
Carry a Donor Card: No, but I'm identified as one on my ID.
How Many Coats and Jackets Do You Own: I've accumulated quite a few over the years and through my various sizes.
Do You Wear a Watch: Yes.
Favorite Pants Color: Jeans…blue…
Most Expensive Item of Clothing: I honestly don't know.
Most Treasured: New underwear, bras that fit.
Long Distance Relationships: I don't like participating in them. I don't really see how this is an institution I could be against, though. What am I going to do, protest?
Using Someone: Depends on the situation.
Killing People: Not for sport, no.
Smoking: I've become more militant since I've quit smoking and since I had my son. Bottom line, I would really really like to go out one night and not come home with cancer and stinky clothing. Also, I think tobacco companies are really fucked up and supporting them any further is just absurd to me.
Doing Drugs: I find drug enthusiasts to be highly irritating, although I don't think I would try to deprive them of their hobby. Drug addicts need help. Let's put it this way, I would not want my son to become either a drug addict or an enthusiast. Casual experimentation I don't think I would have a problem with.
Premarital Sex: This isn't really an issue with me. I would not want to marry someone who I hadn't had sex with but plenty of people do just that and are very happy. So, whatever.
Driving Drunk: That's fucking stupid.
Gay/Lesbian Relationships: Wherever the love is, man.
Soap Operas: *shudder*.
what is your career going to be: It changes every day.
where are you going to live: Most likely Pittsburgh
how many kids do you want: Probably just the one. I wouldn't be vehemently opposed to two but I just don't know if I would want to do it.
what kind of car will you drive: A Honda Civic Hybrid. I've always like Volkswagens, though.
current clothes: Blue tank top, blue jeans, tube socks.
current annoyance: That I haven't written reviews for winter mittens yet. Sorry!
current smell: plastic toys warming in the late afternoon sunset.
current longing: some food and some sex.
current desktop picture: Akil as a young one.
current favorite music artist: Don't have one.
current worry: Career/money.
current hate: Politics
current favorite article of clothing: my bra that fits.
story behind your username: The boyfriend started calling me that around the time that Puff Daddy became Pdiddy.
i am happiest when: the baby, the boyfriend and I are having a group hug.
i feel lonely when: the boyfriend goes to sleep too soon.
do you think too much: Sometimes.
famous person you have met: Pete Seeger
do you have any regrets: Just a few minor ones.
sex or love: Uh
favorite coffee: Vanilla cappucino
favorite smell: my son's breath when he wakes up from a nap.
favorite way to waste time: writing
are in currently in love/lust: with the boyfriend.
any bad habits: picking my lips.
do you find it hard to trust people: Get an editor.
last thing you bought yourself: don't know.
bath or shower: shower
favorite season: spring
favorite color: blue
favorite time of day: right when I can finally get into bed with the boyfriend.
gold or silver: silver…ideally platinum.