Hi, Cass!

That's what my son is screaming at the moment. He stands at the front door and talks to the old woman across the street for hours. She has Alzheimer's so their conversations are kind of strange…
Baby: Hi, Cass!
Cass: Hi!
Baby: Hi!
Cass: Are you going to the beach?
Baby: hehehehee
Cass: Are you eating breakfast?
Baby: Hi, Cass!
Cass: I went to the beach.
Baby: Dog!
Cass: Squirrels used to live in that desk.
Baby: Hi!
Cass: Are you going to the beach?
Baby: Diga-duka-diga-duka-MOM!
Cass: Breakfast.

I'm definitely going to film it one day and send it to the Independent Film Channel. It sounds very arty, doesn't it?

I had my main interview last night for my article. It went really extremely well but it's very long. Very long. I have two 90 minute tapes full of stuff plus half of another 90 minute tape. It's going to take forever to wade through all of it. Oh, well. I have to call the guy at the PG this morning to let him know that I'm ready to write. I'm apprehensive. Phone-phobia. I could just email him but that would be kind of lame. Hmm…

Other stuff:
Yesterday morning my son participated in this infant/toddler study at Pitt. It was pretty funny. They just basically tried to get him to play with all of these different toys to see how he would react to them. He, of course, did not play with anything in the prescribed manner. Then he started flirting with the researchers which got them all distracted. What a little player. But he got a cute little tshirt and a certificate for all of his hard work.
After that we went to CMU so that we could get a ride home with my mom. She let me drive but was a total asshole about it the whole way home. Now, I'll admit that I'm not a very good driver yet but it makes it much harder for me to concentrate when the person next to me is screaming or heaving deep sighs or praying under her breath. I really wanted to punch her. But I've decided that I'm no longer afraid of driving…now I just really fucking hate it. I hate dealing with other people especially when there are no IQ/social skills/manners prerequisites. Driving is like a total state of nature experience. I don't understand why people like it so much. If I ever leave Pittsburgh it'll be for a city that has a really dope public transit system…you know, one whose funding doesn't get cut every year like it does here.

Alright, I'm going to be a total puss and just email that guy…done.

There's some drama unfolding on my street at the moment. I can't tell exactly what it's about but a guy screaming sentences that start, “Hey, Shannon! You tell that little fuckin' brother of yours…” is never a good sign.

Well, there's a poop situation that requires my immediate attention.

Oh, and one other thing, Happy Birthday (Yesterday) to !

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