Like, Oh my gawd

I don't remember where I got this. It's funny how these surveys are basically the same questions over and over and over again. and yet, I still find myself compelled to fill them out.

1. Do you drink? Not that much anymore.
2. How many times have you been drunk? hahahahaha.
3. Are you a virgin? No.
4. Is your best friend a virgin? No.
5. How many times a day do you say fuck? At least a dozen. I have a potty mouth.
6. Do you wear short shorts? No, because I've got thigh thighs.
7. How many people have you slept with? 5. I'm such a slut.
8. Do you sneak out of the house at night? No. I sleep at night.
9. Do you get along with your mom? For the most part.
10. How many guys have you kissed? A bunch.
11. How many guys have you made out with? Like, 8 jillion.
12. Ever been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? No. That's pretty drunk.
13. Do you have any eating disorders? Just one. sometimes I try to ingest my food by sticking it in my bellybutton. It never works, but I keep trying!
14. Piercings? Ears, defunct navel, vacant right nostril.
15. Tattoos? Two. They're not very interesting.
16. Do you wear shirts that show your cleavage? No.
17. Do you wear shirts that show your belly button? No. I'm Aimish
18. Have you ever smoked? Yes
19. Are you a regular smoker? No.
20. Do you do drugs? Used to. But never very heavily.
21. Did you once do ALOT of drugs? No.
22. Does your best friend do drugs? Not anymore, I don't think.
23. Do you have any kids? Yeah.
24. Do you think you could be pregnant? No. I don't want to talk about it.
25. Have you ever done it with someone you barely know? If by “done it” you mean waited for a bus then yeah, lots of times.

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