Thar she blows…

I guess since I've become a mother my sleeping has become much more intense and I have less tolerance for people who intend to disturb it. Consequently, my mother and boyfriend have told me several tales over the past few days of my incoherent babblings when forced out of my blissful slumber. The night before last, the boyfriend was watching TV while I slept. Due to his many years of loud loud musical events his ears don't hear like they used to. The volume of the TV must have woken me up a little bit, since apparently I turned to him and said, “My car is afloat!” Afloat? I don't know either. Then last night we had rented “The French Connection.” I only got through about 30 minutes of it before I started drifting off and told the boyfriend good night. However, he fell asleep not long after and left the movie blaring. My mom came in and told me to turn the TV off. I stumbled out of bed, scantily clad, and demanded to know if she was going back out to Oakmont and what was she doing here anyway? I can't remember exactly how long it took me to turn off the movie and the TV but it seemed like a long time. Grr. Don't mess with my sleep.

Anyway, it's a beautiful day outside today and the baby and I are definitely going to take a walk. I can't decide if he should eat lunch first or not. Hmm.

I got an email from the editor at the PG saying that he received The Article, was going to read over it today and hopefully give me a call later. I'm just not going to think about it.
I did, however, have nightmares last night of overlooked sentence fragments and grammatical errors. Being a nervous wreck is not as glamorous as you might think.

My hair needs to be trimmed.

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