Connie Otter

Yesterday while the baby was taking his nap and I should have been being productive I tooled around with my journal style. I've never really had the patience nor the motivation to join one of those layout communities and make my journal really fancy but I thought a change in color schemes might be in order. Alas, nothing really suited me. Then I thought, “Hey I'll get real ambitious and put a picture up using shutterfly.” But it didn't work out the way I thought it would. I had taken this really funny picture of myself in which I bore an uncanny resemblance to Wiley Wiggins. Not on purpose, mind you. The pre-pubescent boy actor just pops out of me at times. At any rate, if you really want to see, a link to the picture can be found here. On a related note, I had asked some time ago (ahem, ahem) for suggestions for a good image hosting site, since apparently that's not really what Shutterfly does, per se. So yeah, any tips any of you might have would be quite welcome.

In other news, and this might make some of you sad, I am going to be leaving tomorrow and heading up to beautiful *snicker* Conneaut Lake for a week's vacation…with my entire family. Sigh. There was some question of whether or not we would actually be going what with my grandmother being laid up and all. But apparently we've decided “Screw her we're going to the lake!” So I'm up for a week of sunburn, many many children, chasing the baby around, sleeping in a twin bed with a shitty mattress, and watching my family get drunk. I'm not really looking forward to it. I really need a laptop. But yeah, quality time and whatever. And I just *know* that the boyfriend is going to weasel his way out of it at the last minute. I'm just waiting to find out how he's going to do so. I might stab him. He's playing at a house party on Saturday night when, theoretically, I will already be gone. That in and of itself doesn't really bother me but the trash that will be attending the party keep talking on the pb-cle list about all of the shit that they're going to pull. One gal in particular is this plastic surgery junkie who is just getting on my nerves. There must have been at least 100 posts in the past couple of days about her fake boobs and her most recent chemical peel. I'm not feeling all this. I'm just not going to get irritated. What's the point?

But, anyway, we watched Obre los Ojos last night which was pretty good. It seems that I've been watching a lot of movies recently where reality is questioned. Quite frankly, I just don't feel like thinking about it anymore. The Matrix has me or some shit. But it was still pretty good and I think Spanish owns as far as Languages That I Should Know Better go. I need to start studying that.

My kid stinks. Need more coffee.

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