Went to Ray's last night. It was boring, which figures since last week when I didn't go it was “bangin'” according to the 8 million people who IMed/phoned me the next day to rub it in my face. I had one cocktail and then brought me a Jello shot. Yeah. It tasted good (watermelon Jello) and gave me that “Oh-my-gawd-I'm-17-I-bet-I'll-get-all-crazy-and-drunk-from-this” feeling. It did make me a little tipsy which I was embarrassed to admit.
But I can't really talk too long today. I'm going to be leaving in a few hours and still have a ton of stuff to get together.
See yinz in a week!
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on Saturday, July 19th, 2003 at 3:47 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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