Hung Like Einstein, Smart as a Horse
That was just one of the clever bumper stickers that I saw during my time at Conneaut Lake.
So, to be blunt, my vacation was ass.
It rained…torrential downpours…every single day except yesterday and today.
I had diarrhea. a lot. Sorry.
Our big activity was going to Wal*Mart. I can't explain how much that sucked.
I got home fully expecting a phone message or an email from the guy at the PG. Nothing. I'm crushed.
It wasn't all bad, but it was most certainly not relaxing or restful or whatever a week by the lake is supposed to be.
Right now it's just me and the baby. The boyfriend got a new (old) car today so we're eager to see that.
Uhhh, I don't know. It's been so long since I've been on the internet or a computer that I'm still fascinated by the sound of the keyboard. It's kind of distracting.