
I wrote an entry a few hours ago saying simply, “What's Live Journal's damage?” When I went to view my updated journal there was only that entry and the layout had reverted back to the default view, whatever it's called. I thought for sure that in all of the hubbub that was going on today with LJ that my journal had been completely erased. Nightmare. Luckily it seems to be restored and in good condition.

I had kind of a shite day. For some reason my mind was churning up all of these issues and depressing thoughts and I was having a really hard time dealing with them. I may go into detail later. Right now I don't have enough energy to really hash it all out.

I finally got a new nosering today. I would post a picture but my little faux-digital camera doesn't have a flash. Since it's night here…well you know.

Only other thing that I want to address right now: went into labor yesterday and is probably a new mommy as I type this. How exciting! I hope everything is well with you and the new little sprog, dear. I can't wait to read all about it.

It seems every few years I go through this cycle where the relationships that I have with people online are stronger than most of the relationships that I have in real life. It's kind of a lonely time right now. I hope it ends, soon.

I have to take my contacts out before they drive me crazy.

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