oh and…
just one gushy mom post for today.
The baby had a weird nap today. He fell asleep in the car on the way back from the piercing place and instead of risking waking him up by taking him out I just unhooked the carseat and carried him inside in it. He slept that way until about 6:30, which is pretty late for him. Anyway, when he woke up he was alright for a few minutes and then just got really pissed. Screaming, crying, slapping (not me, thankfully), being miserable. I comforted him with some Cheese Nips for a few minutes while I cooked him some dinner. He didn't seem to want to sit in his booster seat so I got this foam mat and put it on the kitchen floor. We had a little indoor picnic dinner. He ate all of his fish but insisted on sharing a few bites with me and then we fed each other peas. It was too sweet for words.
Like I said before (but did not elaborate) I was having a pretty depressed day. It's truly amazing that when the baby and I have those little moments just to ourselves, doing something simple like eating peas, everything is perfect. Just perfect.
On a totally unrelated note, I think that people who have the word “bizkit” in their LJ user names need to be beaten.