I suck
I attempted to join
Issues that I want to discuss with…myself in the coming hours but don't have the mental capacity to deal with at the moment:
The American public school system, tying into where I will be sending my son to school
White men: the new victims (gag. I've been stewing over this due to that show on Comedy Central, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn. It was on last night and that issue was brought up briefly. Also, I've had many mind-boggling conversations with my dad, who, I guess, recently declared himself a misogynist and my grandfather, an enigma unto himself.)
Feminism: what the fuck is it, anyway? Sidebar: women as conservatives
My complexion: how is it possible to go through puberty again at my age?
Random things about marriage, parenthood, gender roles that have been bothering me lately.
My mom: what's up her ass? Sidebar: maybe it's my complexion that's throwing things off but we seem to currently have a relationship eerily similar to the one we had when I was about 16.
Okay, I do actually have stuff that I need to write today and I've managed to accomplish nothing since I woke up 6 hours ago.