My Sunday was pretty interesting. One of my old ballet teachers, Nadia, is in town for the summer. She's such a character. She's got to be in her late 70s and despite some nasty arthritis she's got to be one of the feistiest old broads that I've ever met. She is originally from Russia and spent most of her life there, but once Communism ended she started travelling all over the place and teaching ballet in schools in America and Europe. She started teaching at PBT when I was about 14 and ended up staying with my grandparents for a few weeks while she was finding a place to live. We've remained close and I am better friends with her now that I don't have to take her thigh-busting, back-breaking, militant Vaganova ballet classes. Anyway, yesterday she wanted to go and visit my grandmother since she hadn't seen her since she's been injured. We stopped at a Giant Eagle so that Nadia could buy my grandmother a get well bouquet and I knew she was going to ask me a bunch of questions about my life once we had a few minutes alone.
I was right.
While walking up to the store she says to me in her thick Russian, “Kelschka, you beautiful face, intelligent girl, face like Renaissance painting, like Leonardo da Vinci. But why this?” and pointed to my nosering. I didn't really get a chance to answer because she went on, “Look like black people from Stone Age.” Okaaay. Moving on.

“Kelschka, boyfriend good. Good face. Good character. Good papa. Why no marry?”
“Well, we don't really have any money right now.”
“So? Good girl, good boy, beautiful baby. Marry! Marry!”
“Um, he doesn't have the money to buy me a ring yet.”
“Oh. Okay…But boyfriend good. Must keep.”
Got it.

Last night the boyfriend, Akil and I went to see American Wedding which was, you know, silly. I want to find out the name of the hotel where they had their wedding. It was insanely gorgeous.
After the movie something weird happened. On the car on the way home, the boyfriend and Akil started talking about their weddings and making all of these plans about who would be their best men and where they would have them, who would DJ, stuff like that. The boyfriend had like four or five possibilities for best man but I only really have one or two. He also has about 20 guys that he wants for groomsmen while I was wracking my brain trying to think of possible bridesmaids. But it was just generally weird because their incessant wedding planning was such a girly thing to do. I don't know. I'm such a guy.

I have shit to do.

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