
The baby woke up at 5 a.m., crying about something. Do kids have nightmares at this age? I should have just let him go back to sleep on his own but I felt bad. I spent almost 45 minutes in the rocking chair with him and when I realized that he wasn't going back to sleep via that method I offered him a cuddle with me and the boyfriend in our bed. Well, that only woke him up more. Plus my mom, The Snooze Button Queen, encouraged his early rising by allowing her loud-ass alarm to go off about 6 times. Around 6 a.m., I figured that we might as well get up and go about our business and hopefully take an early nap. Of course, I didn't go to sleep until about 3 because I was watching O (barf) and the baby didn't go to sleep until around 11:30, which is really late for him. That might be part of the problem…an upset in his routine. Right now he's just sitting under my desk looking kind of dazed. My sleep-deprived plan is to keep him awake for as long as I can and then let him take an early nap. I don't know. Nevermind, he's passed out.
He must be excited since he's met so many new people over the past two days. Last night, stopped by with Shanley in tow to drop off some CDs for me to peddle. The baby was being shy but kept pointing out the moon to keep them entertained. The night before that stopped by with and her son. The baby really got a kick out of having a playmate for a few hours and it was really nice for me to be able to talk to a mom who's my age. I get to feeling pretty isolated sometimes so all around, a great playdate.

And now, musical tidbits after an hour or so of the MTV/VH1 channels last night.

Robert Randolph and the Family Band: I'm intrigued. Need to hear more.
Beyonce and Jay-Z: chill out.
Pharell Williams: also needs to chill out and put his shirt on. I guess he's kind of attractive but the fact that they're trying to market him as a sex symbol and that girls are falling all over themselves for him baffles me a bit. You're a producer, man. Would Timbaland pull that crap?
Good Charlotte: Oh my god, if someone doesn't kill these kids soon I'm going to scream.
Sarai: I don't know. I'm going to be reviewing her for Pulp soon and I just can't tell from that one video if she's taking herself seriously. I'm a bit confused by a white chick from upstate New York who pronounces “shirt” as “shurrt.” You're not Nelly. It's okay.
Jewel: Uh, yeah, I guess the impending Big 3-0 is making Jewel a little nervous. Apart from the musical 180 (although it really couldn't get any worse than her last few folky albums), her general behavior reeks of Mariah Carey. Remember when Mariah and Tommy Mottola broke up and Mariah got all, “I'm free! I can dress and act ridiculously and unleash my inner ho!”? Something similar is going on with Jewel. The wet tshirt and alluring gazes in her new video make me uncomfortable. Not that she wasn't quite attractive to the mens and girls before (despite the teeth), but now that she's just coming right out and selling it…I don't know. Also, why does she pronounce “intuition” as “intui-shawn?” It sounds exactly like how Alicia Bridges pronouned “action” in “I Love the Nightlife.” Grates on my nerves.

Well, I should probably take this opportunity to get some work done but I'm so friggin' tired I don't think I can.

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