that's almost 30
Last night I watched Riding in Cars with Boys, the Drew Barrymore chick flick from two years ago. It's not a good movie in and of itself, but I saw it when I was about six months pregnant and had a pregnant/scared/mother-son moment that I just can't shake. Hormones will do that to you. Barrymore's character has some nasty moments as a mother. I don't think we're supposed to feel sorry for her, but some of the things she says could easily be thoughts that run through my head at my most insecure moments. Luckily, I don't ever actually say them. And I definitely don't write them down in a book and have the book turned into a movie so that everyone can see what a little prick I can be.
The baby and I went for a walk today to the library. I was envisioning some quiet mother-son time, poring over books that I loved to read when I was little and then patting myself on the back for being such a great mom. ;-p However, when we got there and walked into the children's section, we were greeted by two little boys. One was about 4, the other maybe 6. I looked around for a parent but figured that the only person in charge of them was their slightly older brother who was engrossed in one of the computers, distracted only when they would occasionally tap him on the arm to tell him something. “Oh, well,” I thought. “Maybe we'll just have a little impromptu playgroup.”
The two other boys were very nice but just didn't quite understand how to play with the baby. They tried to do some kind of conga line with him as the leader which just sort of confused him. Then all three of them started pulling books off of the shelf and despite my suggestions that we sit down and read something, I mostly just ended up with a lap full of books. The baby, of course, got excited and started running around the children's room squealing. Sensing the irritation of the adults at the nearby computers (but not the older brother…argh), I began making preparations for our exit. After I had scooped up the baby and received a scowl from a curmudgeon at the computer cluster (ergh), I found the two other kids crawling all over and into the stroller and making engine noises. Hi, it's an Evenflo, not a Porsche. Thanks.
I told them that we had to go home for lunch but would be back the next day. Honestly, I probably will go back tomorrow because I forgot my library card today. If there were just another parent there to help me out it wouldn't have been a problem. But, shit, I can't deal with three kids. Especially when I only have true authority over one of them.
So we left and took our time going back home. I took a picture of this rather gorgeous black cat who was nice enough not to cross our path but did sit and pose prettily. Lawrenceville really does have some amazing houses. They're not huge but they have a lot of original architecture and detailing that just looks so classy. Maybe when the baby wakes up from his nap we'll take another stroll and check out some other houses.