more from the beavis & butthead files

In somewhat stark contrast to the picture below, in which my brand-new son and I clung to each other, skin on skin, I report to you that I spent a good portion of the evening bellowing, “DO. YOUR. HOME. WORK. NOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW.” And throwing in a, “There will be no TV ever again and if you think I’m joking, just TRY IT!” for good measure.

Gah. Today was perfectly fine until we tried to drive home and got stuck in the most horrendous traffic ever. We didn’t actually get home until 7 and I was just going to make us some grilled cheese sammiches, because what’s better after a stressful fall day than grilled cheese? But, lo, there was no cheese.

In the midst of this meal angst, the baby was just being…I don’t know…purposefully and infuriatingly obtuse about his homework. I went to help him and read the directions aloud: “Read the words in the box…Come. Good. On. That….Uh.”

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11 Responses to “more from the beavis & butthead files”

  1. Sara Says:

    I’m totally going to use that statement tomorrow night.

  2. Sara Says:

    Then later, I will say “Not bad”.

  3. kdiddy Says:

    *high five* 😉

  4. Tamara Says:

    Oh man. That is some awesome homework.

  5. kdiddy Says:

    i’m sayin’…

  6. Burgh Baby Says:

    Oh. my. hell. I wonder if that was some intentional choice of word order or just a little Freudian slip . . .

  7. kdiddy Says:

    oh, I hope it was a slip. but see, this is why companies need to hire immaturity consultants, like me! then I can warn them about stuff like this.

  8. arn Says:

    Best. Homework. Assignment. EVER!

  9. kdiddy Says:


  10. motherofbun Says:

    I think our kids share the same brain! Mine’s the same way. Makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes… They would be great friends.

  11. kdiddy Says:

    hahaha. together they would be an unstoppable force!

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