
I never really thought about it until I started writing about advertising a lot on MamaPop, but I guess I’m rather grossly interested in the stuff and how it drives and marks our culture. Finding old commercials on YouTube shocks me back to childhood just the same way that a familiar sound or smell does. It’s an instant memory of a simpler period in life, when everything was kind of magical and I still felt…safe.

There are three Christmas-themed commercials that I’ve seen nearly every year for as long as I can remember. It’s kind of embarrassing to be so warmed by something as silly as a television ad but, heh, I have no shame.

Anyway, they are the Corona “O Tannenbaum” ad, the Folgers “Peter Comes Home for Christmas,” ad and Eat n Park’s “Christmas Star” ad.

8 Responses to “peter!”

  1. Sara G. Says:

    I love that Corona ad.

  2. kdiddy Says:

    me, too. it’s so simple and cheery.

  3. Cat Says:

    I LOVE me some Folgers when Peter comes home commercials. It’s my favorite holiday ad!

  4. kdiddy Says:

    I used to get so excited when it would come on when I was a kid. I don’t know why. I think maybe it was the sight of that huge tree with all of the presents.

  5. Frank Says:

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I love Christmas.

  6. kdiddy Says:

    sure thing. 😉

  7. juli Says:

    my mum loves the eat’n’park ad. we literally have it on a vhs tape somewhere

  8. kdiddy Says:

    it’s brilliant.

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