grace in small things #2

1. A cold ginger ale on an upset tummy
2. Buddies who talk you down
3. Watching an episode of The L Word after missing 3.5 seasons and wondering what the hell is going on
4. Nag Champa
5. Hines Ward

4 Responses to “grace in small things #2”

  1. NGS Says:

    Go Hines!! He’s such a trash talker. If I weren’t a Steelers fan, I would despise him. Go Steelers!!

  2. sweetney Says:


  3. Hilary Says:

    Oh, I love Nag Champa!

  4. Holly Says:

    I adore Hines Ward. He is my favorite Steeler- always smiling. And? He’s good to his mama. You gotta love that.

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