simply look around and view it
About four and a half years after Frank stood a few feet behind me, supporting me as I married the husband, I stood a few feet behind him as he married his wife. It was super cool and I felt incredibly lucky to be able to say to people who asked me that day, “Frank and I have been friends for 11 years. He was in my wedding and now I’m in his.”
It was a lovely day and it’s so life-affirming to witness the union of two people who are genuinely in love and devoted to each other. Those really are the moments that we live for, you know?
I brought my camera and thought about grabbing it a few times, but ultimately decided to leave it in my bag and just experience the day. Besides, there were professionals on hand to capture the action. I did snap a quick picture of myself in the mirror, because I wanted to make sure that my hairdo was documented.

I met up with the bridesmaids at a salon on Saturday morning and told the hairdresser that I just wanted my hair blown out straight. He nodded, then pursed his lips, then finally said, “I think we should do an up-do!” Err, okay. I was not facing the mirror for most of the ‘do’s creation, and kept getting increasingly nervous when I saw ringlets out of the corner of my eye and when the hairdresser said, “I need another can of hairspray.” Forty-two bobby pins later (I counted), I had that super cool hairdo. It went well with my dress, which was pretty retro. The husband and the baby thought I looked silly, but whatever. It was fun to play dress-up.
I was wearing a pretty hardcore foundation garment and I understood why women in the 40s, 50s, and 60s were so thin: you can’t physically eat very much of anything when the possibility of stomach expansion is simply eliminated.
The cookie table was epic. People were practically sick from eating so many and there were still hundreds left over. Relatedly, if anyone wants to come over for snickerdoodles, I have a couple dozen.
After the wedding, the husband and I went to VIA because he was slated to play records. It was a pretty cool event and it was encouraging to see so many people just out and taking in musical performances that they probably wouldn’t have given a second glance otherwise. (Shh…can you hear that? I can hear someone’s horizons broadening!)
We got to see Dam Funk perform, which was pretty cool. He and the husband chatted afterwards and are, like, BFFs now.
October 5th, 2010 at 1:29 pm
Coolest. Updo. EVER.
October 5th, 2010 at 1:38 pm
such a great day! i wondered where you had disappeared to… it was great to hang with you for the little bit that we did. you’re one of my “favorite people that i never get to spend any time around”.
and, if i didn’t already gush enough…you. looked. stunning. i get that your boys prefer the way you look on a daily basis, and i’m not hating on that. but i think they’re ridiculous if they didn’t appreciate how great you looked. sorry.
that reminds me, did tom tell you what Kingston told me when i was DJ’ing?
October 5th, 2010 at 3:22 pm
The updo is gorgeous! Where did you get the dress? It’s one of my favorite colors, and I’m digging the retro style (sincerest form of flattery and whatnot).
October 6th, 2010 at 12:07 am
what do boys know? ‘Do looks great! I love getting my hair done. Wish you had a pic of the back.
October 6th, 2010 at 1:14 pm
Aww…. so sweet.
And that hair is a great big swoop of total awesome!