almost got some play

I cracked my knee on the front door rather forcefully (no, not the knee that I cracked on my desk a couple of days ago, the other knee…call me Gimpy). I mentioned it to over ICQ a few minutes ago and he replied:
FJG: owchies
FJG: *kisses you all over the knee*
Me: wow, thanks
FJG: ooh! you are not cara! ()
That always happens. I have no game.

Anyway, I need to make a declaration. I declare the phrase “le sigh” officially overused. I know that many of you, my friends, continue to use it. I know that I have used it in the past but I think it's time for all of us to move on. This seems to be a phenomenon restricted to Live Journal so that's good.

I had Pilates this morning at PBT. Their summer program started this week and it reeks of dancer feet in that building. barf.

I'm about to pass out.

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