
The baby went down for a nap a little while ago and I wanted to read a little bit. I sat down on the bed and literally passed out…not like I fainted or anything I just fell asleep very suddenly. I just sort of slumped over onto my stomach with my legs hanging off the edge of the bed at the knees. I slept for about an hour, woke up covered in drool and with my legs all creaky from being hyperextended for so long. I was so confused. If I remember correctly my half-dreaming thought process went something like this, “Oh shit…it's morning…no…I'm in London…I should go check out the city I've never been here before…no wait…how could I be in London?…ow…”

I sat there for awhile then shuffled around the house trying to figure out what my problem was.


My keyboard is truly disgusting. There's like, pubes stuck to the keys with dried up goo. How the hell did that happen?

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