maybe it's the heat

I don't think I'm going out anymore. People have just been acting far too crazy lately. Must be something in the milk.
Last night I:
-accepted a drink from a male friend, which irked the boyfriend (I chalked it up to resourcefulness as opposed to potential infidelity…neither of us have any money and I needed a cocktail…what's a girl to do?)

-was hit on by a 50-year-old Jamaican man while the boyfriend and Akil stood by, watching and laughing their asses off…thanks guys

-ran into a Russian girl I used to work with. she was there with about 15 male friends, all of who she kept making sexual innuendos toward.

-laid the smackdown on one of the Russian's friends who, seconds after meeting me, tried to kiss me. blech. a) I have a boyfriend. b) I don't kiss people who drink Rolling Rock and Jagermeister.

-listened to one of the Russian's friends go on and on about his job/education, “I was a professional snowboarder for 6 years but now I have a 4.0 and am a double major at Duff's Business Institute. I work for Alcoa doing accounting and I make SO MUCH MONEY. It's unbelievable how much money I make and I haven't even graduated yet. I really make so much money. And I'm going to make even more money when I go to work at Mr. Small's Theater after they get their liquor license. I have one of the nicest offices at Alcoa because I make SO MUCH MONEY…”

-decided that I will NEVER go to Mr. Small's Theater for fear of running into this jackass and any Mexican/Icelandic slaves he brings with him from Alcoa

-met Goose. That was exciting.

-looked around for the W.I.T. electroclash girls that Ed Um said he was bringing. I wanted to check out their outfits. Alas, they were a no-show.

-scoffed at the poor electroclash girl substitute and her boyfriend. She had pink and blonde hair, he had a faux-hawk. Their dance routine was as follows: step, step, girl puts hand on boy's chest, turns her head left, turns her head right, dip, roll up, repeat while sipping drink.

-got annoyed at the fact that the people who were ravers stopped going to raves, stopped doing e-pills, started dressing nicer, but still have the same fucking dance moves…shuffle, shuffle, arms akimbo, raver two-step minus the baseball cap. augh.

-stood outside when the music got a touch too loud and watched Akil and Shawn judge the girls who walked by. That got old quick.

-watched Akil go across the street to the Shadyside Saloon (what a joke) where a bunch of frat brothers and sorostitutes were gathered to work on their sincerity. Akil stood on top of utility box and promptly got screamed at by the Saloon patrons.

-went back inside, not caring to see whatever hilarity would ensue.

-saw Ani. Did not make eye contact. Her appearance apparently came and went without incident. cool.

-went back outside to find Akil about to get into a fight with a guy in a wheelchair.

-decided that we needed to leave right away, tried to convince Akil to come with us, he told us to fuck off, so we did. I hope he didn't get his ass beat but in a way I kind of wanted to do it myself.

-came home, tried to get frisky, fell asleep before it went anywhere. Ain't that always the way?

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