Archive for the ‘plop culture’ Category


Thursday, August 16th, 2007

I forget what movie we were in the theater to see (Sunshine, mayhaps?), but we caught the trailer for the new Wes Anderson movie, The Darjeeling Limited, which will be out in late September. Can’t wait!

Why you do me like that, HBO?

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

Last night, MikeBee and Missy came over for a little visit and noticed that HBO was replaying the season finale of John from Cincinnati. They mentioned that they had just watched it and found it weird but really intriguing. I said, “Yeah, I really like it. I don’t understand what’s going on but it’s still pretty great. But I just know that they’re going to cancel it so I’ll be like ‘eh! Aw!'” indicating that they’ll leave me hanging with a bunch of interesting loose ends and no hope of any resolution, much like when they cancelled Carnivale after two seasons even though it was totally fascinating.

A few hours ago, Mike and I had the following conversation via text message while he and Missy were on their flight back home to San Francisco:

Me: They cancelled John from Cincinnati. ARGH. I knew this would happen.
Mike: ROFFLE. I am sitting on the plane LOLing right now…
Me: I am cursed with psychic powers. Why must I be so prophetic?
Mike: You’re “Kelly from Pittsburgh”
Me: Meet the Jetsons
Mike: ROFFLE I don’t know Kelly instead

Sigh. I’m bummed. I really liked the show. Indeed, it was very weird and it was never clear what was going on, but the overall spiritual theme of it was really pulling me in and all of the actors in it were amazing. There was also this one scene in the episode from a couple of weeks ago in which all of the main characters are drawn to this impromptu barbecue at the motel and John has this long monologue. It was really beautiful and theatrical. And the scene in the second (third?) episode when the doctor tells Cissy and Mitch about Shaun’s accident was so totally heartwrenching. Rebecca de Mornay’s performance killed me.

Farewell, John from Cincinnati. You were swell!

Friday, August 10th, 2007

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My co-workers and I went to Phipps Conservatory today to see the Chihuly exhibit. It was a field trip for grown-ups basically. It was really very lovely and I realized that Phipps is actually quite relaxing if you don’t have to chase after your kid (no offense, dude, but I still have nightmares about our visit there last year when you were having “a time” and ran past all of the expensive, breakable stuff in the gift shop). Since I’m so close to stuff like Phipps and the museums, I should really make a date with myself to just go check out some art every now and then.

I put a post up about this on MamaPop, but I was delighted this morning to read a post from Lee alerting me to the existence of a new Michel Gondry movie. Eeeee! I’m so excited for this! Gondry’s brand of goofy just speaks right to my soul. Though so does Judd Apatow’s which seems like it might make a weird intersection in my brain. Anyway, Mos Def might just be one of my favorite actors. He was awesome in Bamboozled and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy and looking at his imdb page I’m realizing that I’ve seen him in quite a few things that were equally rad. Of course, who can forget his tour-de-force as the Black Head of the CIA.

I got it wrapped up in this special CIA napkin!