Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Monday, August 11th, 2003

Gregory Hines died.

So far this year we've lost Nina Simone, Barry White and now Gregory Hines. Legendary talent is being dealt some severe blows.


Sunday, August 10th, 2003

The mysterious pain in my knee has not gone away. I have no idea what happened to it. I can only hope that I'm not sleepwalking and spending hours genuflecting somewhere before returning to bed.


Sunday, August 10th, 2003

I know that I've said before that Ikea and I have had disagreements in the past and that I was pretty sure our relationship was over. However, I received the new catalog with the paper today and I'm beyond giddy. I'm in the middle of mentally redecorating the entire house while shushing my mother's complaints of, “But it's too contemporary!” Yeah, that and the fact that we have no money for such frivolity.

I picked up my prescription yesterday and I was way too excited about it. I'm quitting the Pill and going on the Patch. The IUD proved to be just a little too expensive at this juncture. But I am just too frazzled to deal with the daily appointment of the Pill. I needed a more low-maintenance form of Baby Repellant and this will do just fine for now.

I didn't get any of the food that I was craving yesterday so that kind of sucked. But the boyfriend and I spent a lovely evening together. Lovely.
Also, I managed to catch a repeat of Real Time with Bill Maher last night and see Janeane Garofalo's new look that the boyfriend had told me about. Very blonde, which isn't that shocking, and very skinny. She was wearing a big tshirt but the sleeves were cut off, so I could see that her arms were much tinier than they've ever been. What's going on, Janeane? I wonder if it's her sobriety. Beer does make one pudgy. But still….

I think we're going to try to go swimming today. The baby has a rather large supply of those swimming diapers and I want to use them up.


Saturday, August 9th, 2003

I need
-my prescription from Eckerd
-feminine hygiene products
-money to buy both
-the baby to take a nap
-the mysterious pain in my knee to go away
-just one or two articles of new clothing, specifically bottoms…skirts and pants. and I had a conversation about this yesterday and how shorts generally suck. Honestly, I don't think they're flattering on anyone, but they seem to be a hot-weather necessity.

I want
-some sushi
-some chai
-some chocolate
-some homemade gazpacho
(obviously, I don't want all of these things at the same time. That would probably make me sick)

If I don't do anything fun today I'm going to be really annoyed.

Here's an excerpt from an entry that I made back in January:
Major things that need to happen:
1) Get a motherfucking job….
2) Get my driver's license….
3) Lose weight….
4) Get a haircut….
5) Work on day care for baby….
6) Organize my crap….

Now, while I don't have a full-time job, I have had work free-lancing. That counts for something.
My second driving exam is on Wednesday.
I've lost 21 pounds.
I've had two haircuts since that entry but my last one was way back in April. I'm definitely due for another trim.
I've made definite progress in the daycare search, although I really can't commit to anything as my employment search constantly changes.
My crap is still in shambles.

All in all, not bad. I still have four more months to complete these “resolutions,” which is what they technically are. I've never been big on New Year's Resolutions, though.
There are other, huge, long-term goals that can be added to that list but it's better if I don't. I start getting all panicked.

aw, that's sweet

Saturday, August 9th, 2003

Last night, when we got home from visiting the boyfriend's family in Brookline ( I was in your hood again!), there were a couple of messages on the answering machine. The most important one was from our friend John, or Crotch, as he is affectionately known, asking the boyfriend what he was doing next May 22nd. Our little Crotch is getting married and wants the boyfriend to be one of his groomsmen. Awww. That means I get to see the boyfriend and all of our grungy friends dressed up in tuxedoes. That will be too funny.
So, we'll be spending another weekend in lovely Athens, Ohio *snort*. The last time we were there was two years ago for this girl Beverly's wedding. Beverly was Crotch's old girlfriend. At the time, Crotch and his bride-to-be had just started dating. Of course, I, the party-crasher, showed up to that ultra-Christian wedding three months pregnant and not married, choking back some vomit while making fun of the pastor during the ceremony. Little did I know that the pastor's wife was sitting right next to me. Sigh. I'm really such a liability.
Crotch and his fiance are really into Jesus but they're generally not too irritating about it (“You're my friend and all but you should repent and stuff”). Crotch has become increasingly conservative in his beliefs, political and otherwise, which is disheartening, but what can you do? I like his fiance. They came to visit me right after I had the baby and she was sweet enough to make him this cute little blanket that we still use. They had a hard time hiding their discomfort with the fact that I was curled up on the couch in sweatpants, fighting off a uterine infection and getting teary every five minutes, but who can blame them?
Hopefully this wedding will be a little more fun. Beverly's was kind of small and low-key and the DJ absolutely sucked.

Other exciting (for me) news from last night: my grandparents gave my mom and I early birthday presents…an Oreck vacuum cleaner, an Oreck handheld vacuum and a very sleek Rowenta iron. I'm way too excited. Our current vacuum cleaner is this chrome Kirby monstrosity from 1981. It weighs at least 20 pounds and has one of those ridiculous headlights on the front. It is a humongous pain to carry up and down the steps so, consequently, I never vacuum. That bugs my mom. But I'll definitely be doing some damage with that puppy.
Anyway, stuff to do. Later.


Friday, August 8th, 2003

Sorry about last night's drunken post, everyone. I hope you at least got a kick out of it. The baby and I both got plenty of sleep last night but for some reason he is in a horrid mood this morning. I think he's cutting a molar. Poor kid.
Well, I am getting off of here and getting right to work. If I don't have my PG article in today I will flog myself.


Friday, August 8th, 2003

Returned from the Pulp Cocktail Party at the trying-to-be-swank Deja Vu lounge. Typing is difficult. Free drinks and food are easy. Good conversation with Shanley about…crap. Cool people that I met: Lynne Margolis, Alice Winn, Alexei Somethingsomething, Matt Somethingrandomhipster, Tim Somebodyrandomsciencewriter, BJ Somebodywearingbaggyjeans, Steve SoontobeRollingStoneintern (bite me), Shawn (Sean?) Israel, Shawn Brackbill. Shawn Brackbill. Met the guy and he apparently forgot me minutes later. At the end of the night as I was saying my goodbyes I said to Shawn, “Nice meeting you.” His response? “Um, I don't think we met…” Who's the lightweight now, motherfucker? I looked at his mouth real hard and said, “Aren't you Shawn?” “Yeah…” “Well, I'm Kelly and we met earlier.” “Oh…” I then went on some self-deprecating drunken apology for him because I'm an idiot. Fucking hipster photographers. You're lucky you're cute. Oh well.

Anyway. I love my boyfriend but I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed that he wasn't up for the secretish De La Soul Concert this evening. What the hell? I looked cute, too. Sort of. The too-big-slightly-dumpy denim skirt kind of killed it. But who am I kidding? I'm tired as hell. I guess I'm getting back at him for last night's dirty rice breath with my Absolut Citron breath.
Must go to bed. Drink water. Avoid hangover.

Carrie Bradshaw/Donatella Versace/belligerent hag

two notes

Thursday, August 7th, 2003

One more musical tidbit: I realize that the Black Eyed Peas have had some kind of catharsis, but that song is still kind of shitty. Sorry. And who is that girl in the video?

Note to self: Kelly, if you're going to make dirty rice for the boyfriend and the baby, remember not to go anywhere near their mouths unless you've had a hearty helping yourself. ew.

The baby slept until about 12. I slept until 11. I'm all confused now. I'm not sure what day it is.


Thursday, August 7th, 2003

The baby woke up at 5 a.m., crying about something. Do kids have nightmares at this age? I should have just let him go back to sleep on his own but I felt bad. I spent almost 45 minutes in the rocking chair with him and when I realized that he wasn't going back to sleep via that method I offered him a cuddle with me and the boyfriend in our bed. Well, that only woke him up more. Plus my mom, The Snooze Button Queen, encouraged his early rising by allowing her loud-ass alarm to go off about 6 times. Around 6 a.m., I figured that we might as well get up and go about our business and hopefully take an early nap. Of course, I didn't go to sleep until about 3 because I was watching O (barf) and the baby didn't go to sleep until around 11:30, which is really late for him. That might be part of the problem…an upset in his routine. Right now he's just sitting under my desk looking kind of dazed. My sleep-deprived plan is to keep him awake for as long as I can and then let him take an early nap. I don't know. Nevermind, he's passed out.
He must be excited since he's met so many new people over the past two days. Last night, stopped by with Shanley in tow to drop off some CDs for me to peddle. The baby was being shy but kept pointing out the moon to keep them entertained. The night before that stopped by with and her son. The baby really got a kick out of having a playmate for a few hours and it was really nice for me to be able to talk to a mom who's my age. I get to feeling pretty isolated sometimes so all around, a great playdate.

And now, musical tidbits after an hour or so of the MTV/VH1 channels last night.

Robert Randolph and the Family Band: I'm intrigued. Need to hear more.
Beyonce and Jay-Z: chill out.
Pharell Williams: also needs to chill out and put his shirt on. I guess he's kind of attractive but the fact that they're trying to market him as a sex symbol and that girls are falling all over themselves for him baffles me a bit. You're a producer, man. Would Timbaland pull that crap?
Good Charlotte: Oh my god, if someone doesn't kill these kids soon I'm going to scream.
Sarai: I don't know. I'm going to be reviewing her for Pulp soon and I just can't tell from that one video if she's taking herself seriously. I'm a bit confused by a white chick from upstate New York who pronounces “shirt” as “shurrt.” You're not Nelly. It's okay.
Jewel: Uh, yeah, I guess the impending Big 3-0 is making Jewel a little nervous. Apart from the musical 180 (although it really couldn't get any worse than her last few folky albums), her general behavior reeks of Mariah Carey. Remember when Mariah and Tommy Mottola broke up and Mariah got all, “I'm free! I can dress and act ridiculously and unleash my inner ho!”? Something similar is going on with Jewel. The wet tshirt and alluring gazes in her new video make me uncomfortable. Not that she wasn't quite attractive to the mens and girls before (despite the teeth), but now that she's just coming right out and selling it…I don't know. Also, why does she pronounce “intuition” as “intui-shawn?” It sounds exactly like how Alicia Bridges pronouned “action” in “I Love the Nightlife.” Grates on my nerves.

Well, I should probably take this opportunity to get some work done but I'm so friggin' tired I don't think I can.

dire emergency…kind of

Tuesday, August 5th, 2003

So, my email is down. I'm not sure what the problem is. As a result, I haven't received any email alerts for any comments that anyone may have left. I checked a little, though. Uhhh, my brain's not really functioning.