Monday, August 4th, 2003Why can't people just leave me alone?
Meatsky (3:46:30 PM): frankly kelly, i find it hard to beleive that your relationship is nearly as egalitarian as you make it out to be. At least not as egalitarian it should be. and i'm far from the only person to think so. Interesting i'm virtually the only person to ever defend you, and your relationship with tom. I understand that these sorts things are about a certain give and take, at the same time, there appears to be a certain level of disequaliberim in who gets what they want and need.
Meatsky (3:46:47 PM): Now of course i'm very much an outside observer
Meatsky (3:47:05 PM): which leads back to when i said it is your life, and your smart, so you need to do what you think is right.
Meatsky (3:47:16 PM): for you
whimpysmom (3:48:15 PM): you, and whoever else is “concerned” about my relationship and family, seem to be basing your conclusions on very little observation and evidence.
Meatsky (3:48:57 PM): and part of my feeling are based on my dealings with and preceptions of tom…I've know him for a long time…and well that means i have a certain bias in thinking that he's taking anybodies eles needs into consideration
whimpysmom (3:51:37 PM): yes, and people are static and never change nor learn from their experiences. particularly not tom. and since i've had the wool pulled over my eyes by men in the past i'm sure it would come to no surprise to anyone that it would happen again this time. certainly, this latest episode of tom not facilitating my acceptance of a part time job, since tom does rule over me with an iron fist, only serves to prove your point
whimpysmom (3:53:10 PM): and i'm sure i would love to hear advice from a group of people who have had such mature and pleasant, egalitarian relationships. especially since so many of you have children
whimpysmom (3:54:43 PM): i would also love to read your field notes, since all of you are here so much, helping with day to day activities. since my relationship and parenthood is so unbalanced, you're all so quick to come to my aid instead of just standing off to the side and making judgments
whimpysmom (3:55:43 PM): i'm sure there have been many lovely quilting bees in your apartment, facilitated by cheap beer and cable tv, about how my life must be such a huge disappointment.
whimpysmom (3:56:06 PM): i must have missed them, though. or perhaps i was off being the village idiot
whimpysmom (3:56:41 PM): because surely you all would have called me to let me such an important meeting was taking place
whimpysmom (3:57:33 PM): but i'm glad that i've been so busy being tom's bitch and a neglected mother so that the lot of you had plenty of time to discuss my situation.
whimpysmom (3:58:06 PM): now, if you'll excuse me, i have to go set the women's movement back about 50 years by doing laundry. fight the power.