Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

oh and…

Tuesday, July 29th, 2003

just one gushy mom post for today.
The baby had a weird nap today. He fell asleep in the car on the way back from the piercing place and instead of risking waking him up by taking him out I just unhooked the carseat and carried him inside in it. He slept that way until about 6:30, which is pretty late for him. Anyway, when he woke up he was alright for a few minutes and then just got really pissed. Screaming, crying, slapping (not me, thankfully), being miserable. I comforted him with some Cheese Nips for a few minutes while I cooked him some dinner. He didn't seem to want to sit in his booster seat so I got this foam mat and put it on the kitchen floor. We had a little indoor picnic dinner. He ate all of his fish but insisted on sharing a few bites with me and then we fed each other peas. It was too sweet for words.
Like I said before (but did not elaborate) I was having a pretty depressed day. It's truly amazing that when the baby and I have those little moments just to ourselves, doing something simple like eating peas, everything is perfect. Just perfect.

On a totally unrelated note, I think that people who have the word “bizkit” in their LJ user names need to be beaten.


Tuesday, July 29th, 2003

I wrote an entry a few hours ago saying simply, “What's Live Journal's damage?” When I went to view my updated journal there was only that entry and the layout had reverted back to the default view, whatever it's called. I thought for sure that in all of the hubbub that was going on today with LJ that my journal had been completely erased. Nightmare. Luckily it seems to be restored and in good condition.

I had kind of a shite day. For some reason my mind was churning up all of these issues and depressing thoughts and I was having a really hard time dealing with them. I may go into detail later. Right now I don't have enough energy to really hash it all out.

I finally got a new nosering today. I would post a picture but my little faux-digital camera doesn't have a flash. Since it's night here…well you know.

Only other thing that I want to address right now: went into labor yesterday and is probably a new mommy as I type this. How exciting! I hope everything is well with you and the new little sprog, dear. I can't wait to read all about it.

It seems every few years I go through this cycle where the relationships that I have with people online are stronger than most of the relationships that I have in real life. It's kind of a lonely time right now. I hope it ends, soon.

I have to take my contacts out before they drive me crazy.

what the hell?

Monday, July 28th, 2003

The Internet is playing dumb again. I might have to slap it around.

I just finished the crappiest cup of coffee ever. Anyway, I slept in very late today and what's even more bizarre is that the baby let me. When I went into his room to get him he was just chilling, playing with his stuffed puppy and squishing around in a poopy diaper. Very odd. I bet he's smoking pot. In any case, I get this sneaking feeling that I'm not going to get any real work done today. That's partly due to the fact that I'm all discouraged about the PG situation. No, I haven't called to find out the real deal yet but I just don't feel like it.


In this, my first real entry since I've been back, I feel like I should tell you all a bunch of amusing anecdotes about my time in Conneaut but I just can't get it up. I will tell you this little tidbit:
One evening the boyfriend and I went to this goofy barbeque restaurant called the Stable Pit N Pub. Lots of Aqua Net, lots of wood panelling. Sitting there I kind of felt like I was in a Coen Brothers movie. When the waitress, a perky blonde of about 18, came up to our table the conversation went thusly:
Her: Hi, guys, I'm *blahblahblah* and I'll be your server tonight
Us: Hi
Her: Can I get you anything to dr–*stops dead in her tracks when she looks at me* Wow! You look soooooooooo tired!
Me: *blink blink* Uh, thanks.

Also during that week my godson told me that I looked like a maid (I was sweeping the kitchen floor after letting him and his 5 brothers make messes for 3 days) and his father told me that I looked like a peasant. I think all of these comparisons can be traced back to my tendency to wear my do-rag, regardless of the setting. In any case, I'm feeling not so hot.

Ugh, the baby is intent on getting injured. I have to go intervene.


Sunday, July 27th, 2003

I've just noticed a lot more spider veins and the early stages of varicose veins on my legs. Gross. I'm going to have to start wearing those huge, thick, brown panty hose that the old ladies wear and stuffing my swollen feet into Easy Spirits.


Sunday, July 27th, 2003

Bake Sale Hotness with Liz

Edit: I meant to say that this is a picture of Liz and I being out of place at Club Havana a few weeks ago. It was taken by another, intoxicated, Kelly, who refers to us as the Bake Sale Ladies due to our domestic, non-clubber natures.

Hung Like Einstein, Smart as a Horse

Saturday, July 26th, 2003

That was just one of the clever bumper stickers that I saw during my time at Conneaut Lake.
So, to be blunt, my vacation was ass.
It rained…torrential downpours…every single day except yesterday and today.
I had diarrhea. a lot. Sorry.
Our big activity was going to Wal*Mart. I can't explain how much that sucked.
I got home fully expecting a phone message or an email from the guy at the PG. Nothing. I'm crushed.
It wasn't all bad, but it was most certainly not relaxing or restful or whatever a week by the lake is supposed to be.
Right now it's just me and the baby. The boyfriend got a new (old) car today so we're eager to see that.
Uhhh, I don't know. It's been so long since I've been on the internet or a computer that I'm still fascinated by the sound of the keyboard. It's kind of distracting.

Just one hit, then I gotta go…

Saturday, July 19th, 2003

Went to Ray's last night. It was boring, which figures since last week when I didn't go it was “bangin'” according to the 8 million people who IMed/phoned me the next day to rub it in my face. I had one cocktail and then brought me a Jello shot. Yeah. It tasted good (watermelon Jello) and gave me that “Oh-my-gawd-I'm-17-I-bet-I'll-get-all-crazy-and-drunk-from-this” feeling. It did make me a little tipsy which I was embarrassed to admit.
But I can't really talk too long today. I'm going to be leaving in a few hours and still have a ton of stuff to get together.
See yinz in a week!


Saturday, July 19th, 2003

So, I'm just sort of waiting for it to get dark. I gave the baby his bath and everything already. He didn't take a nap today so I figured that he would be ready to go to bed soon. However, since it's still relatively light out he just sort of gives me a confused look whenever I suggest sleep. I'm just letting him play around now, which is totally fucking with his routine. I'll probably regret this in the morning. Oh, well.

I had to go to Eckerd earlier to buy diapers and refill my prescription. While I was there and since I had coupons for wipes and a Swiffer duster I decided to fill up on some other stuff, too: baby soap, film, condoms…and therein lies the story. Now, before you get all “If you're too embarrassed to buy them then you shouldn't be having sex,” I'm not embarrassed but it's still a somewhat uncomfortable situation when you're not in a condom-specific store and there's grandmothers nearby.
Anyway, while I was waiting for my prescription I got the other items on my list and did what I'm sure Eckerd employees must see a thousand times a day…The Condom Waltz. Cleverly enough, Eckerd has the condoms displayed at the end of the Baby Needs aisle, right next to the pregnancy tests. The fact that I had my son with me added another level of juxtaposition that was too cutesy for words. On my way out of the Baby Needs aisle I glanced at the condoms but there was a disapproving old lady standing nearby, so I moved on. Once more around, peered a little closer but there was a sniggering teenage boy…probably contemplating the same purchase. Move on again. Up to the front of the store for film and back. Cha cha cha. A couple is standing by the condoms teasing each other about them. Barf. Over to the cleaning products and back. This time I figure, “Who cares who's looking? I need to get out of here,” and grab a pack, ending the Condom Waltz. Pick up my prescription and head to the counter. The cashier is probably in her late 60s and has Lucy-red hair. Who go through all of the coupons and whatnot. She picks up the condoms and says, “Are these yours?” I can't help but blush. Why? I don't know. I mean, it's very obvious to everyone present that I have had sex at least once. She then tells me the exciting news: “Condoms are buy one, get one this week!” BOGO rubbers? Holy shit. I blush even harder which I think she gets a kick out of and tells me that after I've paid and everything I can just go back and get another pack. Rawk. I pay, pack up the stroller and she says, “Don't forget to get your other pack of condoms!” Thanks. I turn around and at least a dozen people are staring at me, no doubt thinking, “Wow, she must be planning on doing a lot of fucking.” I do an extra variation on the Condom Waltz, grab another pack and head for the door. As I pass by the alarms I'm struck with paranoia: “Oh my god. What if these have a sensor in them? I wonder if it looks like I stole these on the video camera.” Because really, the last thing I need at this point in life is to get picked up for shoplifting condoms. I would NEVER hear the end of it. (Um, Mom, can you come pick me up from the police station?….Shoplifting….condoms….Yeah.)
Luckily, the alarm did not go off.
But on the way home a pigeon came *this* close to shitting on me.

The Friday Five are pretty dumb this week

Friday, July 18th, 2003

1. When was the last time you cheated?

Academically, it was probably some time in the past five years. Although I actually took Pitt's honor code pretty seriously so the extent of my cheating was probably getting a little extra help during a group project or something. I have one clear memory of actively cheating on a test, talking wrote stuff on my shoes, and that was in 10th grade.
Morally, I guess I cheated on the two boyfriends that I had before the boyfriend. That was a long time ago and I'm a changed woman! ;-p

2. When was the last time you stole?

Uh, probably when I was 3 and unwittingly took some Tootsie Rolls from the candy jar at the butcher shop. I put them back, though. Or, if you're the RIAA, the last time I stole was a few days ago when I downloaded some mp3s.

3. When was the last time you lied?

I don't know.

4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another's property?

Never. I'm careful.

5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one?

Probably in the last week or so. The boyfriend and I will get into arguments or my mom and I will and I'll say something shitty.

Connie Otter

Friday, July 18th, 2003

Yesterday while the baby was taking his nap and I should have been being productive I tooled around with my journal style. I've never really had the patience nor the motivation to join one of those layout communities and make my journal really fancy but I thought a change in color schemes might be in order. Alas, nothing really suited me. Then I thought, “Hey I'll get real ambitious and put a picture up using shutterfly.” But it didn't work out the way I thought it would. I had taken this really funny picture of myself in which I bore an uncanny resemblance to Wiley Wiggins. Not on purpose, mind you. The pre-pubescent boy actor just pops out of me at times. At any rate, if you really want to see, a link to the picture can be found here. On a related note, I had asked some time ago (ahem, ahem) for suggestions for a good image hosting site, since apparently that's not really what Shutterfly does, per se. So yeah, any tips any of you might have would be quite welcome.

In other news, and this might make some of you sad, I am going to be leaving tomorrow and heading up to beautiful *snicker* Conneaut Lake for a week's vacation…with my entire family. Sigh. There was some question of whether or not we would actually be going what with my grandmother being laid up and all. But apparently we've decided “Screw her we're going to the lake!” So I'm up for a week of sunburn, many many children, chasing the baby around, sleeping in a twin bed with a shitty mattress, and watching my family get drunk. I'm not really looking forward to it. I really need a laptop. But yeah, quality time and whatever. And I just *know* that the boyfriend is going to weasel his way out of it at the last minute. I'm just waiting to find out how he's going to do so. I might stab him. He's playing at a house party on Saturday night when, theoretically, I will already be gone. That in and of itself doesn't really bother me but the trash that will be attending the party keep talking on the pb-cle list about all of the shit that they're going to pull. One gal in particular is this plastic surgery junkie who is just getting on my nerves. There must have been at least 100 posts in the past couple of days about her fake boobs and her most recent chemical peel. I'm not feeling all this. I'm just not going to get irritated. What's the point?

But, anyway, we watched Obre los Ojos last night which was pretty good. It seems that I've been watching a lot of movies recently where reality is questioned. Quite frankly, I just don't feel like thinking about it anymore. The Matrix has me or some shit. But it was still pretty good and I think Spanish owns as far as Languages That I Should Know Better go. I need to start studying that.

My kid stinks. Need more coffee.