good morning from Detroit

May 24th, 2008

I’m currently in the lobby of our hotel, gazing at the Renaissance Center and getting ready to go eat some artery-clogging breakfast after a luxuriously long night of sleep. Why am I so tired? Oh, because I spent about five hours in the emergency room of Henry Ford Hospital yesterday.

Nothing serious, just that the husband woke up yesterday with severe pain in his knee and didn’t know why. As far as the doctors could tell, it’s nothing serious, though they do think he has arthritis, which HAHAHAHAA UR OLD! He’s feeling much better today, just all hopped up on Aleve and dragging his leg along since it’s all wrapped up in an immobilizer.

I will say that the staff at Henry Ford are pretty awesome, so score one for Detroit there. Of course, spending time in a Detroit ER is, uh, an experience. I’m really, really glad that I have insurance, is all I’m saying and everyone needs it.

Aside, the local radio stations here are pretty rad. Right now I’m listening to “I Would Die 4 U” by Prince. At 10 a.m. On a Saturday. WTF?

Musically, I’m not sure what we’re getting into today/tonight. I believe we are going to the roller skating party, thought I’m already feeling embarrassed by my lack of skating skills. And, obviously, I’m not trying to spend more time in the ER this weekend.


May 22nd, 2008

Going to Detroit. brb.

addendum to my last post

May 22nd, 2008

I feel the need to point out that while that picture is slightly zoomed in, it’s really no exaggeration to say that I really was that close to him.

So, like, let’s say | = one foot.

Eddie Izzard

I’m not even shitting you. And for that lovely position, I must thank my buddy Andrew for helping me to hook up those amazing front row, center tickets.

my heart goes pitter patter

May 21st, 2008

052108 008

Love him.

thank you for flying church of england

May 20th, 2008

I love when friends of ours wordlessly post pictures like this on their flickr with no explanation. Just them, their neck brace, and their morphine drip. Like, what the hell happened to you, dude?

As you may have noticed, I am on the internet even though I need to be packing because we’re heading to Detroit on Thursday. Tomorrow night we’re going to see Eddie Izzard (eee!) so I need to have my clothes mostly ready to go plus clothes for the baby. However, we had to go to the mall to get me some jeans and a Penguins tshirt (I have to represent) so we popped over to Popeye’s for dinner. Ugh. I feel like I ate some softballs or something. Plus, I have a headache. So, I can’t really move. I can just sit here and burp.

Anyway, why are we going to Detroit? Well, see, we’re dorks. And we’re going to the big electronic music festival that they have every year. This is my fifth year!

Ugh, god, I am seriously breaking up with Popeye’s forever, even if their biscuits are made with crack and rainbows.

But check it out: I got some sunglasses.

Photo 48

I haven’t had sunglasses in two years! My old ones were tragically bent the day of my bachelorette party and that was BEFORE the drinking commenced. But now I shall sashay my way through Detroit with my big honkin’ glasses and my Penguins shirt. Hopefully, I don’t get beat up by a Red Wings fan.


May 17th, 2008

Big Work Thing went…okay. There were a couple of snags that could have been prevented if I had been a little more vigilant during the planning process. Nothing life-ending, but embarrassing nonetheless. Yet another good thing about me cutting back to one class per semester in the fall. My brain is obviously revolting against me and trying to make me look foolish.

Anyway, I got home from the Big Work Thing and changed out of my dress clothes…and immediately got my period. It was rad. So I’m totally relaxed now, except for my uterus. That old girl is just cramping away. The bitch.

fooey phyllis

May 16th, 2008

This is the only video floating around so far of the protest staged by students (and other attendees, it looks like) at Washington University’s commencement ceremony. The protest was over WU’s decision to award Phyllis Schlafly an honorary doctorate.

Schlafly, if you didn’t know, has made a career of traveling the country…and lecturing on why women shouldn’t have careers, because domestic life is the greatest aspiration that a woman can have and, quite appallingly, insists that there is no such thing as rape between a married couple.

During the portion of the ceremony honoring Schlafly, the students silently stood up…and turned their backs on her. And really, I can’t think of a more fitting tribute to the woman.

People will say many things about her surrounding this event. As offended as I am by some of her beliefs, probably the worst thing you can accuse her of is being a ballsy old broad. So, Dr. Phyllis, from one ballsy old broad to another: fuck you, very much, sweetie. 🙂

1,238 words

May 15th, 2008


Now, all I have to do is tend to Big Work Thing on Saturday and I can relax! Well, I’ll probably also spend a good portion of my days hoping that that paper wasn’t a TOTAL piece of shit, but yeah.

DONE. With this semester. I still have two more years of edumacation but let’s not dwell on that.

I think I’m going to pass out.

998 words (shut up)

May 14th, 2008

So I took that marital rating test that’s been going around all over the intarwebs.

I got something like -16.


I think I’ll go douche with some Lysol.

On a wildly unrelated note, has anyone seen Scoop? I’ve caught it twice on cable and I kind of adore it. Am I the only person on the planet who still loves Woody Allen? And Woody Allen + Scarlett Johansson is amazing. I love how she talks with her hands so ridiculously much in both Scoop and Match Point.


May 14th, 2008

I swear I have never taken this long to write a paper in my whole goddamned life. Word limit is 1500. I’m striving for 1200. Currently at 933 (that’s including my name and crap because fuck all). I’ve been writing this piece of shit since Friday.

I have a big work thing on Saturday, then after that it’s party central.

The baby’s tee-ball team is having their pictures taken on Saturday. I am going to purchase one of those huge buttons and put it on my purse. And get a mom bob.