alright, alright, alriiiiiight*

May 1st, 2008

Photo 47

Classes are over, betches. I’m pleased.

That’s all I wanted to say. Also, the baby is, I guess, entering that phase where he tries to touch everything with his penis. That’s a phase, right? Like, I’m not raising a flasher, right?

*Wooderson in Dazed and Confused

hell yes

May 1st, 2008


L to R: Dude in a leopard unitard, beer #6, me, Bolt

for a chance to be with you, i’d gladly risk it all

April 30th, 2008

Things are starting to go into warp speed. In the next week, I have to finish up a big project for one class that includes a website redesign, a report, and a presentation. I have a final paper due in two weeks for my other class and I’m putting that off until I’m done with the other project. I have big stuff coming up for my job in the next two weeks as well.

Also, our car died a few weeks ago and we’re trying to figure out how to procure a new one. I wish we could just do without one, but it’s absolutely not an option. Not in this city. So, basically we’re trying to determine just how much debt we want to go into. I’m scared, frankly.

All of this is making me more than a little tense. I’m unconsciously clenching my jaw constantly, and that’s just giving me headaches and making me tired.

But in just two weeks, I can relax a little.

Of course, the crappiest part of all of this is how little time I’ve had to spend with the baby and when I have had time I’ve been either exhausted or a humongous bitch.

Last night, after he put his pajamas on, I sent him to the bathroom to brush his teeth. While he was doing that, I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. When he was done, he came in and crawled onto the bed with me.

“Are you sad?” he asked.

“No, I’m just tired, buddy.”

He reached over and rubbed my back and then kissed me on the forehead. I looked at him and smiled.

“Thanks, buddy.”

He smiled back, then said, “Your eyes look like the ocean.”

“So do yours.”

okay, humanity

April 28th, 2008

I’m done. Seriously. I can’t take your bullshit anymore. Go ahead and have some more genocide and war or whatever the hell it is that you’re into. You’ve obviously lost your shit. I’m going to go look into colonizing Mars or something.

throwing clocks out the window to see time fly

April 27th, 2008

My sister-in-law graduated from college today. She didn’t want to go to the big commencement ceremony, which was kind of a relief for everyone since they’re generally 3 or 4 hours long. Instead, her department had breakfast for graduates and their families.

I didn’t even think of it until now, but I graduated from college exactly five years ago today. The baby was not quite a year and a half old at that point and the husband was still the boyfriend.

Holy shit, I checked for something to send to the sister-in-law and found this:


I’m beginning to think that the sole inspiration for someecards is my life.

this literally made me gasp out loud

April 24th, 2008

I just don’t even know what to say about it. Ballet + acrobatics = something I never would have dreamed possible. Watch the whole thing, but it gets especially insane around 3:22.

while you were sleeping

April 24th, 2008

I had insomnia last night. I slept from 12 until 2:30 a.m. when the husband’s choice of going-to-sleep music woke me up. I dozed off for a few minutes here and there but some time after 3 I was just awake. Then at 4:30 the birds started singing and I started wishing for pestilence to wipe them all out, ecosystem be damned.

It’s stress. I’m freaked out about my final projects for my classes and all of the big stuff coming up at work. I have a paper due today that I mostly wrote last night until I went to bed. Then around 5:30 when I realized there was no hope, I got up and worked on it some more. I was at the point that I often get with such assignments where I no longer care about the quality, I just want it out of my hands so that the wretched experience of working on it will be behind me. But I decided to glance at it before sending it off and I’m glad I did. There were some strings of words that I think were supposed to be sentences but trailed off into the ether. I had to call them back home and wrangle a period onto them.

Since I’m deliriously tired, I’m still not sure if the paper makes any sense. But I think I’m just done.

But! While I was up this morning, I installed a plugin that displays comments in threads, so you and I can reply to each other directly. Won’t that be fun?

Also fun: hallucinating. I love insomnia.

my favorite holiday that everyone forgets (next to mother’s day)

April 23rd, 2008

I can’t believe I forgot to tap into the goldmine that is today. Nonetheless…


Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day for those of you who roll that way.

but you say it’s just a plant

April 23rd, 2008

Frank sent me a link to this children’s book about weed and I’m having a hard time accepting that it’s a real book.

Let me ‘splain.


A little girl wanders into her parents’ room one night because she smells something funny and her parents are all, “Duuude.” However…the carpeting? The rainbow headboard? Seriously?

The next day the mom offers to take her daughter on a field trip to learn about the weeds from a farmer and a doctor and some other buddies. So they dress like:


because it’s Halloween. Suurrrreeee.


Here we have a collage of all of the different types of people who smoke trees, including Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Frankly, insinuating that W partakes of the herbs is insulting to potheads everywhere.


The mom and the little girl run into some black people, who are not at work but smoking weed at the take-out joint…


…until the cops show up to arrest them. WTF, man?

Let me state for the record that if you’re about to go off on some anti-pot screed, save it. You’ve come to the wrong place. I’m not opposed to such a book, I just wish it wasn’t so stupid. And psychedelic.

Or else, someone should direct me to where I can smoke something that will make the gynecologist’s office look like this:


And that will allow me to be surrounded by world leaders who, presumably, have access to the all of the junk food stores in the world.

just some stuff

April 22nd, 2008

Our buddy Matt is quite the amateur photographer. He went to a rodeo recently and snapped this picture of a bull rider literally folded in half after he was tossed from the animal he was riding. Every time I look at it, I gag, and yet I am transfixed.

I can’t say I feel sorry for the guy. Bull riding is just rather stupid, in my opinion. There’s the questionable outfits and, oh, the fact that there are BULLS involved. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve heard that bulls aren’t really known for their chillaxin’ abilities. They’re more of a HULK SMASH disposition.


I voted. It was votetastic.

I need to remember to take my camera with me tomorrow so I can take a picture of how gorgeous these flowering trees are next to the regular light green leaves. The flowering trees are this gorgeous pink/purple and the combination reminds me of sorbet or something sweet and luscious.

Also, since it’s spring, the dude next door has brought out his motorcycle and sits outside revving his engine for about 20 minutes before tearing off down the street with what has to be the loudest racket I’ve ever heard. Yes, window-installation-guy, you are a total outlaw on your trips around the block. Classic bad ass.