downward blog

April 5th, 2008

Last night, I wrapped up a two-day open house for admitted grad students to my department. I’m really glad that’s over. Handling events makes me very nervous. The whole thing seemed to make my hair frizz to astonishing heights.

Also, the people in my department can really put ’em back. I’m actually a little nervous to show my boss the receipts on Monday.

In any case, me and the sister-in-law are going to meet Sara G for yoga in a little bit. Joining us will be this gigantic pimple that I have on my chin. His name’s Fred. Yeah, okay, nevermind. Apparently people crossing the Liberty Bridge think it’s an awesome idea to drive into oncoming traffic and cause traffic jams on an otherwise lovely Saturday morning. And to think the state won’t give me a driver’s license.


April 2nd, 2008

Absolutely incredible.

pant, pant, pant.

April 1st, 2008


I am crazily busy with work and school this week so my presence here at will be sparse. I’ll be posting as usual over at MamaPop…because if I don’t Tracey and Amy come with the beatings.

Until then, I shall share this scene with you:

Husband: Dude, you ripped this fart the other night in your sleep. It was like *presses hands against mouth*

Me: Whatever, man.

Spouses or brothers? You be the judge.


March 30th, 2008

This weekend was filled with the normal chores…laundry, grocery shopping, homework, half-hearted attempts at picking up toys from the living room floor.

But we also had a much bigger task, which was seeing our good friend Tony off as he joins the Navy.


The husband met Tony and his best friend, Chris, four years ago when Tony stopped into 720 one day and asked about some Theo Parrish records. The husband was shocked to discover that a pair of 19-year-olds had been falling in love with the music of Detroit in Brentwood, which isn’t exactly a hotbed of dance music. The kids, as they came to be known, quickly fell into our circle of friends, joining our caravan to Detroit and coming out to DJ gigs when they were old enough.

As the rest of us finished college and got jobs, Tony had trouble finding some direction in his life. Like any young guy has the right to do, he took his time committing to anything, hopping back and forth between odd jobs and mostly just having fun. School wasn’t for him, but as the number beside the 20 in his age got higher, he started to feel the urge to get his act together.

He decided to join the Navy some time last year and while we were obviously hesitant to celebrate, we understood that it was something he wanted.

On Friday, we gathered at Alto for one last night of carefree dancing. Tony and the husband both played records, spinning their favorites and standbys that are sure to get any crowd moving. Smiles and hugs were plentiful and everyone sang at the top of their lungs when the husband played “Days Like This,” an ode to a good day.

At 2 a.m., after we were kicked out, Tony’s friend Bob stood on the sidewalk and played the trumpet, a special treat for Tony.


Bob’s eyes were red and watery by the end of the performance and as that big Goodbye crept closer, we all started to feel its presence.

Today we arrived at Tony’s house and were greeted warmly by his parents. They are salt-of-the-earth types and fiercely love their family. By extension they love us since we love Tony.

Everything was fine until Tony’s dad gathered everyone in the living room to say a few words about his son.


Not surprisingly, things took a turn for the teary at that point. But Tony’s dad’s friend took the stage and started talking extensively about the Lord and another family friend said something to the tune of, “My one friend in the Navy something something artillery something something he died horribly…I hope that doesn’t happen to you!” Fortunately/unfortunately that shifted the mood somewhat.


We spent the rest of the afternoon just talking.


I teared up a few more times. I’ve kind of always felt like we were at least partially responsible for looking out for Tony. Not that he isn’t perfectly capable of taking care of himself, but he’s always been close with the husband, as though he was his adopted big brother.


It’s definitely weird having friends on the opposite spectrum of your twenties. At 23, which is the age Tony is now, I was a mom, but I can remember thinking that eventually I would understand things better, that at some point soon I would feel like a grown-up. At 29, I’m still at a loss and the fact that I am actually one of the grown-ups terrifies me as I am in no way qualified for the job.

I guess that’s why it’s scary to send one of our own off into a huge group of strangers who don’t care about him the way we do. He is, after all, just one of the kids.


I know he’ll be okay. But I’ll worry. And in four years, he’ll come back as a 27-year-old man, full of experiences that I can’t relate to, and a kinship with his Navy buddies that I won’t understand. Today, I got to be there as a kid enjoyed one last carefree afternoon with his friends and family.


That’s an honor I won’t soon forget.


oh, it’s such a perfect day

March 29th, 2008

Spring is the shit.

Today, the sister-in-law, my buddy Sara G and I all went and took yoga which felt so good and did so much to help pull me at least partially out of this funk that I’ve been in. Sara was going to Kiva Han afterward and I was kinda bummed that I couldn’t join her because I had to go home and do work, namely two interviews for AP. But I got to interview Charlotte Sometimes and it turns out that she is like my 20-year-old sister that I never knew I had. We chatted and giggled and swapped ballet stories. She’s fucking awesome and I think she’s going to be pretty huge. So you heard it here first, alright?

i can has butt-seat

March 28th, 2008

Photo 33

I’m kneeling on the floor and am leaning over my bed to look at my email and the cat was, up until a few seconds ago, sitting quite happily on my butt.

Photo 34

Photo 35

What a strange creature.


March 28th, 2008

I just bought some Girl Scout cookies off of some people who were rolling huge boxes of them in a wagon outside of my building.

Walking away, I began to wonder if the peddlers were legit.

I’ll feel real bad if I’m eating my Thin Mints tonight and turn on the news to see some tearful Girl Scouts wailing about how someone stole their shipment off the truck or something.

But damn, Thin Mints are good.

in yer face

March 26th, 2008

I won the Photo in Search of a Caption on MamaPop yesterday because I’m all witty and shit.

I’m going to print that page out and put it on the mantle next to my Oscar (when I get it).

bleeps, creeps, and jeeps

March 24th, 2008

We’re watching Moog, which is certainly a fascinating story. But I feel my ears start to buzz when I watch/hear about things like this.

Like, the husband will explain synthesizer stuff that he’s working on or tell me about some work he’s doing in one of his engineering classes and I hear, “So you know when you oscillate triglycerides and the Rubik’s cube osmosifies with pi and then square it zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?”

Or like when someone asks me if I have change for a five. “Um, I don’t know. Here’s some quarters. Does that help?”

Christ. I need to just get one of those “Math is hard!” Barbies and get it over with.

Of course it must not be that fascinating since the husband is fast asleep on the couch.

all-seeing google

March 24th, 2008

oh hai big brother.