Friends List Quote of the Day

December 14th, 2003

“We woke up to our upstairs neighbor banging on the wall at 7am, then managed to pass out again until 11am … only to awake to his thug-ass, ghetto friends making all kinds of noise. We've concluded that he's a wigger and hangs out only with ghetto-ass black people. Yech. I really don't want that element around here. Dormont is great because it lacks that ghetto element … but now the inner-city thugs are invading my happy Suburbia.”

So, here's what happened…

December 14th, 2003

While talking to yesterday afternoon, I realized that I hadn't been out for an evening of fun for quite some time. Luckily, John Arnold was going to be in town to play at the Warhol and at Havana.\
After dinner, the boyfriend and I headed out but I had kind of a rough time leaving. The baby, for the first time, got very clingy to me and bawled when I left. I was pretty taken aback and felt bad, but I haven't left the house for anything other than grocery shopping in so long I was starting to grow mold.\
The performance at the Warhol was nice and laidback. While listening to Mr. Arnold I chatted with , her friend Terry (sp?), , and . I kept getting distracted by the hysterical William Wegman movies that were playing on the back wall.\
After the Warhol, the boyfriend and I drove out to his house in Brookline so that he could grab some CD-Rs and crap. We got back to our house around 11 and were shocked to find the baby still awake. My mom said that he wouldn't go to bed for her, which meant I had to put him to bed. This might seem obvious, but rocking a yummy toddler to sleep isn't the most encouraging thing when you're in the middle of a night out. I really wanted to go to bed, but sucked it up to make it out for 's last night as a promoter of Sauce.\
Havana was fun, but there was weird tension the whole night. Our friend Shawn was having some serious girl woes and when any of the boyfriend's boyfriends is having girl trouble, he seems to project negative behavior onto me in order to bond with his boyfriends or something. At one point, he became slightly angry with me for hugging a guy friend…a gay guy friend. I was irritated, but decided not to make a big deal out of it. Not long after that, all was forgiven, and fun was continued. See?\
title or description \
That's me, looking snobby. I took my camera with me and I sincerely hope that I got some nice shots. Due to the low light I was having some serious trouble focusing.\
When 2 a.m. rolled around, the boyfriend didn't give me a chance to decline going to the after hours party at the Shadow Lounge. I was pretty tired at this point but figured that I could hang for about an hour. We had Jwan with us, whose needles were being used on the turntables there. There had been a show there beforehand so there were already quite a few local artists (musicians, singers, poets) being drunk and goofy. The boyfriend and I played a game of Mancala, then when he went to play records I halfheartedly danced around and took more pictures. showed up and…sat.\
I guess for a good chunk of time I was just standing in the middle of the room looking dazed, because the boyfriend came over to me and said, “Are you getting tired?” I can't imagine what would have tipped him off to that stunning realization. He said that we could get going but Jwan convinced us to wait “just 15 more minutes” for a few more records to be played so that he and his needles could leave with us. I suppose it would be a good idea to alert you all to the fact that a keg of Yuengling had been provided and most folks, including Jwan, were taking full advantage. This could be the reason why plans and times got fuzzy. I was not partaking because I had to pee enough as it was and I wasn't trying to make 6 zillion beer bladder trips to the Shadow Lounge's cold-ass bathroom in the basement.\
As you can probably imagine, guy time warps were in full effect. “15 more minutes” came and went…and soon it was 4:30. I was trying not to be the pain-in-the-ass girlfriend that ruins the fun for everyone, but, as I kept pointing out, unlike everyone else who were going to make up for the late night by sleeping in until noon and then rolling to Starbucks, I was going to be dealing with a 2-year-old in a few short hours. I kept seeing people pull out “just one more record” to play, and at that point I was so tired I was feeling violent and would scream “NO MORE RECORDS” across the room.\
Finally, thank dog, we got home and I passed out as soon as possible. The baby, due to his late night, slept in until after 10. When the supernova of sunshine woke me up at 9, I had plenty of time to drink coffee, read email and shower.\
I did get my hair cut today and it looks very nice because they straightened it with one of those hair irons. However, I had the sadistic hairdresser who seemed to take great delight in scratching my face with one of those big, round brushes before pulling single strands of hair out with it and bending my head 45 degrees with every stroke. My mom told me that I should have said something to her about it, to which I replied, “I figured yelping and saying 'Ow' would get the message across just fine.” Obviously, I was wrong.\
*rubs scalp*\
I didn't make it to Craft Day out in Greensburg, but it's probably just as well. I'm in such a bad mood from lack of sleep that I don't think I would make a very good impression…actually I don't even know why I'm still awake. I need to rest, since tomorrow the boyfriend, his mom, and I are going to see The Nutcracker tomorrow. Ugh.

notable news stories

December 13th, 2003

In the “Oh my god, I'm so sick of hearing about that” category:\
Michael Jackson's parents are prepared to adopt his kids, which is great, considering what a bang-up job they did with their own. Haven't all of the Jackson children written at least a book and an album about how their parents were psychotic?\
In the “What the hell is the world coming to?” category:\
11-year-old boy pleads guilty to savagely murdering a 3-year-old\
In the “Fuck OPEC” category:\
OPEC wants aid\
Isn't it cute when you look over and see that your toddler has somehow procured some Christmas lights and is trying to stick the bulbs into an uncovered outlet?\
I am an awesome mother!


December 13th, 2003

“Tired” just doesn't even begin to cover it.

invite codes

December 12th, 2003

Do we know yet if we're getting paid time in exchange for our now-obsolete invite codes?


December 12th, 2003

Wow, I'm finally getting my hair cut tomorrow. This is good. Now I can show up to Craft Day in Greensburg looking all stunning and all of those Greensburg people that I've never met will say, “Wow, 's friend Kelly is so fabulous!” And maybe will say, “Kelly is so much prettier now!” But probably no one will notice.\
Speaking of Craft Day, I was thinking of bringing booze but since I know that at least two toddlers will be there I'm rethinking that.\
On a completely unrelated note, there's an article in Pulp this week about books by local authors being sold in independent bookstores.\\
Pretty cool. I'm trying to make it a point this year to do a good chunk of my Christmas shopping at local stores instead of giving all of my money to the Big Boxes. I will confess that last night I committed quite the retail sin and ordered some books and DVDs off of the dreaded but I had a coupon and they were books and DVDs that I could get anywhere so…yeah.\
But anyway, I am going to be doing some shopping on Butler Street here in Lawrenceville and I invite all Pittsburgh people to do the same. You can find out more about the businesses on Butler Street here:\\
I'm going to try to sneak in a shower.


December 12th, 2003

Most of you who aren't idiots like I am will probably know not to type up a big post and then get curious about that “rich text” link down at the bottom of the page. Because I'm sure you'll know that it will EAT YOUR HUGE POST!\
Let me try to remember what I said…\
Bedtime tonight was uncharacteristically difficult. I'm thinking of chalking it up to the baby having a late nap today and, therefore, being a little out of sorts when it came time for bed. We did the usual bedtime routine, but when I put the baby down, he started crying…and crying…and crying…and crying until I couldn't take it anymore. I went in and sat with him in the rocking chair for over an hour while he kept fighting off sleep. At one point, just as he was drifting off, he woke up and said to me, “Kelly B. \’c0Que pasa?” which was, um, odd. I taught him that phrase awhile ago so it wasn't like he was suddenly fluent in Spanish, but it was still strange. He also told me a couple of stories, including walking me through the major plot points of this book that we last read, like, a week ago called Baby and Bunny or something. Basically, there's this baby and this bunny and they pop bubbles, wear beads, look at books, hug dollies, then the bunny hides, the baby cries, the bunny comes back and they have a happy reunion and that's it. I also had to keep shooing my mother away who insisted on popping her head around the door and hissing, “He wants me!” because I knew he didn't even if he did ask for her a few times.* A few times at certain levels of exhaustion I have handed the baby off to her but I recently had to put the kibash on that. I know now that as soon as he sits down with her he'll start saying, “I want Mum,” and as soon as I sit down with him he'll start saying, “I want Baba (my mom).” So it's best just to let me handle things.\
The boyfriend, who is once again doing the four-hour hour, is going to get an earful from me whenever he gets home for leaving me alone with his demon spawn while he was out having a pizza playdate with his boyfriends.\
Gah. I was going to get a shower tonight, too, but now it's too late. I just want to bathe, people. That's all I'm asking for.\
I'm going to go to sleep before I get even crankier.\
*For the record, he also wanted his bus, his red car, his trucks, his trains, and I had to fight to retain rights to my hair, my nosering, and my ponytail holder. Just so you know, it wasn't just me being bitchy to my mom.


December 12th, 2003

Flannery O'Connor
Flannery O'Connor wrote your book. Not much escapes
your notice.\

Which Author's Fiction are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


December 11th, 2003


December 11th, 2003

My mom asked me what I might like for Christmas the other day. I said that I would really like a subscription to Hip Mama. Today I got my first issue. This rules.